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Papia, Hayat Kimya and Sustainable Paper Production


Papia, Hayat Kimya and Sustainable Paper Production


Wait! I see you hovering toward that back button.

I get it. We talk about this a lot.

But just.

Hear me out.

Papia is about more than that plush, cushy toilet paper that flies off our shelves day to day. More than the facial tissues, more than the napkins, more than those exotic parfum rolls that make your bathroom smell like a field of peonies, more than the aggressively pink packaging.

That’s because Papia, the brand, and its parent company Hayat Kimya – which also manufactures Molped, Teno, Familia, Bingo and Evony products (among others!) – does a lot.

Like, A LOT.

For the environment, for women, and for the communities that surround them.
We love it when companies give back. And that is why they have our support.

With headquarters based in Turkey, Hayat Kimya began as a small textile trading company in 1937 but became truly successful in 1987 when they introduced themselves as a big player in the FMCG industry. They now have subsidiaries in 11 countries and distribute their products globally. Over the years they’ve won numerous awards for the quality of their products and services, and have been recognized time and time again for their investments in the countries in which they conduct operations.

In their 2019-2020 Sustainability Report, Hayat Kimya states their approach as being thus;

“We continue our operations at Hayat with the passion of developing and offering products to build prosperity for next generations.
We are working with a focus on efficient use of the world’s scarce resources and the continuity of our business.”

Hayat Kimya prides itself as being an FSC Certified manufacturer. This means their company;

• does not engage in illegal timber logging or trading activities;
• does not breach rights during forestry operations;
• does not damage forests with high conservation value during forestry operations;
• does not transform natural forestry areas into planted forests or non-forest fields;
• is a manufacturer working in compliance with the ILO’s Fundamental Conventions as defined in the ILO (International Labor Organization) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

As one example of their eco-conscious activities, in manufacturing their toilet paper products, they not only use no bleach or other harmful chemicals, but use sustainable timber resources and energy-conserving technology (with a commitment to 80% energy efficiency across their global facilities) in the manufacturing process, in an effort to reduce their impact on the environment.

They have also reduced their use of groundwater in the year 2019-2020 from 13% to just 6% and have committed to the responsible filtering, treatment and disposal of any wastewater. Any waste that cannot be treated is responsibly disposed of in accordance with local and industry laws with a view to protect human and environmental health.

Hayat Kimya’s Carbon Footprint

Their award-winning research and development centre – which collaborates with many academic institutions, providing a number of opportunities for graduates – is a “green building”, designed with energy efficiency and the environment in mind.

“As a company responsible to our environment, nature and consumers, we act with a sense of environmental responsibility in all our operations.” – Hayat Kimya Sustainability Report 2019-20

It is no surprise then that at the 2019 ICCC, Hayat Kimya was awarded the Special Cogeneration Award for their efforts in energy conservation and sustainability.

In 2017, Platin Magazine named Hayat Kimya among the top 100 female-executive friendly companies globally. In 2018, they were also named by Capital as being in the top 100 female-executive and female-manager friendly companies globally. Their commitment to gender equality is at the core of their business model.

Hayat has sponsored programs for vulnerable mothers and their children to help them to provide the best possible care to their young infants in a safe and welcoming environment.

You don’t have to dig deep to see the theme of women’s empowerment across Papia’s socials, either. “A Papia woman deserves better” is a tagline that not only refers to their product range, but to health, happiness and success for women. As well as promoting self-care and relaxation, Papia regularly encourages women to be gamechangers and leaders, and point to powerful women throughout history as sources of inspiration for today’s women and girls.

Hayat Kimya contributes to charity initiatives in the various countries in which they operate, including Turkey, Pakistan, Nigeria and others, contributing to university programs, orphanages,healthcare facilities, occupational health and safety campaigns and other causes. They planted trees, provided incubators and other vital health equipment to maternity wards and even ran a soup kitch with employee volunteers!

In 2020, Hayat Kimya also donated an enormous number of their hygiene products (more than 250 tonnes) to local governments across the Asian continent, so that healthcare essentials remained accessible to those that needed them most.

In regards to their pandemic response, Hayat Kimya was also the first company to be awarded “TSE COVID-19 Safe Production Certificate” in our industry by means of meeting hygiene conditions at all our production processes at our Kocaeli production campus during the pandemic. In addition, they become the producers of the FIRST and ONLY surgical mask that has been approved by TSE and that holds a TSE Covid-19 Safe Production Certificate.

Because of their outstanding commitments to the causes we’ve described, Bulk Buys genuinely believes that Hayat Kimya is a company worth supporting and we are proud to stock their products.

And this is just another reason why we will talk about Papia again in future.

After all, a good product is far more than just the product itself.